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War or peace?

Peace is a shit
War is profit

For some people, peace is bullshit and something that is very detrimental and something that is also not a fun thing to talk about.

  Sometimes in times of peace a country can become very weak both economically and politically including militarily because it has nothing to motivate it to do.
  because it is a peaceful time for most people they will only do ordinary activities without a clear goal. And because there are no two things above, people tend to be lazy.

  Peace is not always bad, inland it is quite good as long as we are still aware of the existing situation and are not careless in any decisions made during times of peace.

  But money made during peace and money made during war are never the same. The money made during the war was many times more, even thousands of times more. For example, a company's revenue in one month is one million dollars. But during the war, it could generate 100 million dollars.

  And in times of war there will be many job opportunities open, such as volunteer medical personnel for military service or the opportunity to become mercenaries or weapons companies need employees, etc.

  Most of today's advanced technology was discovered in war times. A simple example is the internet connection that was created during the Cold War and other technological advances.

  I do not glorify war, but we need to realize that it is a fact of wars that have occurred throughout the ages that there will be parties who benefit and also parties who are harmed. For some people, peace seems like there is no benefit if you think about it carefully.
in Politics, wars, problems by Experienced (12.2k points)

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1 Answer

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This is a very good thought provoking topic.You are right to say that there is opportunity in conflict, more than there is in stasis. The former creates flux and motion, the latter breeds stagnation. This is how nature operates in general. Everything moves forwards and advances where you have opposing forces in conflict. Conflict breeds necessity and necessity begets hierarchy and the structure of complex systems.

Stagnation overtime brings nothing new to the system and it slowly rots away until nothing remains, and there is nothing wrong with that either. It's just nature taking care of itself.

The problem with the former arises when a party that understands this subtext code of reality, uses it to profit from the conflicting parties, unbeknownst and at the expense of these opposing forces.
by Master (35.2k points)
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i agree with your statement. thx to share u thought.