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what do u think about youtube, mate? i wanna know your though, opion, and advice about i? is it still sucks or sweet?
in Technology & Crypto by Experienced (12.1k points)

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1 Answer

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Personally I don't use youtube much nowadays, I find it's just another propaganda arm of the liberal globalist machine. I still follow certain very good channels that are still active on it and that I have followed for years but I certainly don't rely on it to discover anything new as its algorithm is set to keep the user in a circumscribed sand-box. It was quite good as a platform up until around 2015, then it turned to shit. It's peak shit time was the 2020 purges. Many of my subscriptions where wiped off overnight. However being the paranoid autistic schizo that I am I was sure something like that was going to happen and had been backing entire channels offline for years.
by Master (33.3k points)