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If I purchased a stolen BTC wallet, how can I access it or cash it out? Would I use one of those ATMs at certain convenience stores? If not, how?
in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (400 points)

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4 Answers

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Bitcoin wallets are ALL scams.

Think about it, if you had the information to a loaded wallet, why would you sell it for 10-20 cents on the dollar?  You wouldn't, you would cash EVERY penny out of EVERY one!
by Newbie (248 points)
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Bitcoin wallet if you purchased from a good vendor will be provided with a guide to withdraw the funds but like every other service 99% of the time you get scammed good luck in finding the legit vendor though
by Newbie (424 points)
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Can you suggest a reliable and tested website for me?
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Bitcoin wallets these things are scams
by Expert (24.0k points)
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you are in luck , email me the info and a 500 dollar itunes card, I'll cash it out and send it back to you in skrill right after I pick up my nigerian uncle from the airportĀ·
by Guest (126 points)