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You can't trust anyone here. Like you, I became a victim of scammers. But now I sell cloned cards and will be happy to help you. We'll agree on the price.
in Other by Guest (149 points)

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7 Answers

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I understand now. You're in this gang of traitorous bastards. You're all in this together. Or maybe even you are one person with many accounts. I met some people here that you deceived. You failed to fool me, bastards.
Here you are misleading users. But the truth will prevail. There are many more honest and kind people here than you. This forum is a place for the truth, not for people like you.
by Newbie (342 points)
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maybe some fool will believe you, but it’s not me. I see scammers from afar.
by Upcomer (570 points)
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put your dick in your mouth and don't offer this shit. People like you always want to deceive someone. Just suck your dick. This is your calling.
Not only are you a fraudster, but you are also a very bad fraudster.
by Active (1.6k points)
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How can i buy from you???
1 like 0 dislike
I sent you a pm
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Friends, I do not know the author and cannot say 100% that he is a fraudster. But I know dozens of stories about how people are deceived and I myself have fallen for such tricks. The scammer always says that everyone is a scammer and only he is honest.
I just want to help those who have little experience. Don't trust random people, refuse to buy something in the dark from strangers.
It's better to choose sites. Yes, they are not all safe either, but you will have much more chances.
I found a legitimate site for myself. You don't have to use this information, but if you are interested, please read it.
It's not expensive and reliable.
by Upcomer (762 points)
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if u can give any simple than we can trust u
by Expert (23.9k points)