Hidden Answers Market

Here you can exchange your HA Points to extra features, other bonuses and even real money.
Also here you can buy HA Points in order to upgrade your level and reputation.

$10 Exchange

Exchange 5 000 HA Points to real 10 USD in crypto.

$20 Exchange

Exchange 8 000 HA Points to real 20 USD in crypto.

$50 Exchange

Exchange 15 000 HA Points to real 50 USD in crypto.

HA Lottery

Try your luck with Hidden Answers Lottery and win HA points, cash prizes, advertising banners and other bonuses.

Advert Banner

Need promotion? Buy advertising banner on Hidden Answers via HA Points and get huge traffic with us.

HA Points Transfer

If you want to transfer your points to any other users of Hidden Answers, we will help you to proceed the deal.

1 000 HA Points

Buy HA Points and upgrade your level and reputation on Hidden Answers. Payment via Bitcoin or other crypto.
+1 free Lottery Ticket

3 000 HA Points

Buy HA Points and upgrade your level and reputation on Hidden Answers. Payment via Bitcoin or other crypto.
+3 free Lottery Tickets

5 000 HA Points

Buy HA Points and upgrade your level and reputation on Hidden Answers. Payment via Bitcoin or other crypto.
+5 free Lottery Tickets

If you face any issues with payment or want to pay via other crypto besides Bitcoin, then just send private message to HiddenAnswersTeam. We will surely help you with payment.


To buy any item for points, please send private message to Hidden Agent

Note! Your level can't be decreased after the purchase here. Make sure you have enough HA Points.
