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I've seen red rooms and red room sites on the web. Do the administrators of these events have contacts for people who want to volunteer/volunteer others or do they stay completely anonymous (I assume the complete lack of consent is something they aim for). Alternative suggestions would also be appreciated.
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3 Answers

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No red rooms are a pure invention. There is no proof of one really existing. The sites you find on the darknet are either hoaxes or scams. You pay for access and get nothing
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Well, indeed they exist but you won‘t find them on any link list. As always you have to have contacts which provide you with the link. There is also no live-streaming on the dw. That’s just not possible because of its speed^^

Most of the times they provide their viewers usb sticks with an live OS similar to tails and instructions how to connect to the livestream. They use their own network and vpn connection to stream those videos.

Btw if you google, not that long time ago, the police or customs in the Netherlands found a container prept with a chair and chains for torture. Just google ;-)
by Guest (136 points)
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I'm sure they exist, I can't even imagine what depravity exists all across the world, especially places like China where everything is commodified and life is dirt cheap.
by Expert (25.6k points)