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He published an advertisement of very dubious content. We usually delete such messages immediately. this time we decided to remind you of the forum rules.

Those interested contact me for their contact details.
the rules of this forum do not allow me to post the contact here

in Other by Guest (101 points)

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2 Answers

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yeah, guy, you wrote correctly about the forum rules... but that's not all.
It is also prohibited to place advertisements. Especially if it’s an advertisement from a dubious seller on the dark web. We are against scam here.

I'm kind today. We'll get by with a minimal fine.
- 20 points
by Official (102k points)
0 0

it's not a scam
I did say that transactions are carried out entirely on the ************* escrow

1 0

do you think this is a reason to trust you?

ok... Let's ask the users.

Guys, respond!!!

Who believes that the proposal to use escrow guarantees security? What is your experience?

Can a scammer use escrow?

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Well certainly not the the most transparent way to market anything not suspicious for sure.

I would not trust for sure.
by Master (33.3k points)