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My country is said to be very strange when it comes to religion. If you want to be famous, recognized and become rich, just become a Muslim and people will happily follow you.

 If you get a defense that can be said to be unreasonable enough to be a Muslim then you will easily defend yourself and even be free.

 You can casually oppress minorities, religions, tribes and those who do not conform to your religion here.

  If you commit corruption here, you can relax enough to dress as a Muslim and claim to be a Muslim.
in Politics, wars, problems by Experienced (12.1k points)

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2 Answers

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actually i'm from Indonesia, this opinion is true. what a shame for this country
by Guest (138 points)
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Never been to Indonesia but it fascinates me as a nation. It's richness in culture and vast island territory littered with ancient sites makes it a region of wonderment.

I think as you explain Islam is positive marker for the Indonesian general population, and I think the reason for it's prestige is that it was one of the main forces that stopped the advance of communism in Indonesia back in the 60s. Some argue that the means employed were brutal but I believe such an insidious enemy deserves ruthless eradication. There is an interesting documentary about this period called "the Act of Killing" which I found really interesting.

The issue with the 3 main Abrahamic religions is that they are just a superficial garb , and anyone of the 3 is usually employed to mask the underlaying masonic wheeling and dealings. I see similarity in what you say, with how the Italian Mafia often has very close connections with the Vatican. In the same manner Chabad Lubavitch which is an international organised crime syndicate based off eastern Europe, uses as it's cloak Judaism.
by Master (33.3k points)
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I've heard some nasty things about Chabad being involved in things like *****, trafficking (all kinds), laundering, bribery etc.
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That's just the tip of the iceberg.