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1. Share the link on Hidden Answers somewhere in Clearnet in 3 different places (websites). Send us the links on those places to let us check.
2. Leave 1 review or feedback about Hidden Answers somewhere in Deepweb. Send us the link on your review to check.
3. Invite 1 friend to Hidden Answers. The task is completed once your friend will get 500 pts. Please mention the username of your friend in a reply on this topic BEFORE they get 150 points or better right after their registration here.

Maximum reward: 2000 points.
Deadline: --.--.--

Once you completed this task, you have to leave a reply below to let
HiddenAgent check the completion. Thanks!

in Point tasks by Official (102k points)

Please log in or register to answer this question.

3 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
Ah fak, i don't have any friend on dw.
by Experienced (12.1k points)
3 like 0 dislike
You mean for level 5 and upwards or just level 5?
by Master (33.3k points)
3 0
Actually this task is for 5th lvl only. But you personally can complete this task, too. And you will get your reward.
2 0
well thanks for that :) I'll think about it.
2 0
sent you a pm about this one
2 like 0 dislike
hello admin how are u ?
i am doing this task i have invite him (deepperson)  like 2 days ago and i have emailed u other things please check ur email
by Expert (23.8k points)