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Image requirements:
1. File: JPG, PNG, GIF
2. Maximum file size: 400 kb
3. Maximum width size: 600px
The height and width size can be changed when uploading the file.

How to upload an image:

1. Click Image button
2. Then go to Upload
3. Upload the file from your device
4. Click on "Send it to the server"
5. set the size or leave it blank
6. Click OK, you are good here

in General information by Official (102k points)

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1 Answer

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Andreea maresof

by Newbie (237 points)
1 0
Hey guy!
It seems you have the wrong topic. I am not against the example of a posted image in the form of a naked woman, but I think it is more suitable for the topic of the competition.
How do you feel?