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Anons.. i am in a bad situation currently with debts that i must pay off before 12/16 this year, i really can't pay it i only get paid $960 a month working at factory, if you anyone can please help me out by donating i will repay you when i can one day i am not sure if i can post paypal here but i can post my BTC address

in Other by Guest (124 points)

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2 Answers

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I need money for *****, Sup mfs I want to ***** a whore today but got no money, i'm in a third world country so ***** is cheap, so help a brother out, and also I'll record my self *****ing the bitch, much love, thanks
by Newbie (160 points)
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I think this forum will need to open a beggar's corner at some point with all these treads for the needy.

I suggest to anyone posting this bullshit to instead to figure out ways to better their situation or at least come up with questions that might help point to that direction.
by Master (35.2k points)