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7 like 0 dislike

Bonus draw 13/12. Number of gifts: 2 Gift: 1500 points


1. 1malec11

2. N3SCR0W

3. Zipper69

4. DonPedro

5. Gat5467


7. Sausageman

8. MadisonV

9. Luna

10. dvdsax

11. ScamChecker

13. FyWoop

14. RaPid

15. Synis

16. *****machine

17. gyruscite

18. RudolpfPico

19. AntiScam

20. LadyNight

21. mousesrc

22. xchxcent


Winner 1: FyWoop
Winner 2: AntiScam

in Weekly Bonus Draw by Official (102k points)

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2 Answers

1 like 0 dislike
How is the winner determined?
by Active (2.4k points)
1 like 0 dislike
Why am I not on the list? How can I also get a prize?
by Experienced (7.2k points)
0 0
You have to be on that hit parade u there (1-22), if you are not one of the 22 on that list you don't compete. Your ranking is 23 so almost.