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My husband is a real bastard. He makes me do terrible things.
Yesterday he poured whiskey on me and wanted to set me on fire. I locked myself in the bathroom.
What should I do?

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25 Answers

4 like 1 dislike
mother*****er, mother*****er, mother*****er!!! What a bastard! all men are like that. assholes bitches *****ing shit eaters.
you have to make him eat his own dick and then put him in jail. let him eat the earth and take cocks in his ass for the rest of his life.
by Newbie (310 points)
1 0
You too!!! You are still bitch
3 like 0 dislike
dirty deeds done dirt cheap
by Guest (139 points)
0 0
Ahhhh I see whatcha did there..
3 like 0 dislike
Please tell me you are alive and escaped
by Guest (148 points)
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Woah, that's horrible. You need to get out of that situation right away, it's not healthy! If I were you I'd call the police or find a safe house to live in until you can get away from him. This is bad news, no doubt about it.
by Newbie (151 points)
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I wouldn't do all that. You already probably identified and will most likely be caught.  Idk the contenx and neither do the rest of these anonymous degenerates on here.  Half of them are probably fbi entrapper shills.  but it sounds like he has a drinking problem?  Then you can ultimatum and leave him if he doesn't stick to an AA meeting.  Get Record the ***** and get police record.  Find a sancuary place to retreat if he goes monkey. avoid when drinking.

You can also file for restraining order that will most likely solve your problem.  Its much cheaper, not illegal and morally correct.
3 like 0 dislike
by Newbie (374 points)
3 like 0 dislike
Kill him, fast
by Newbie (161 points)
1 like 0 dislike
Obviously, you're not locked in the bathroom at the moment, but I'm on your side, sis. Just go to police. Try to attract public attention to your problem. I stay with you.
by Advanced (4.0k points)
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 I would suggest to run away and also to call the authorities upon him and his behavior. But strongly, call the police, he's sick...

Best regards!
by Active (1.1k points)
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friend if you are interested I have

some good manuals of what you want to do with your husband

just visit my wall here under hidden answers so you can contact me

so I can help you with the manuals

that I mentioned before¡¡¡

by Newbie (478 points)