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The current system is creating masses of retards that I have to deal with constantly and allowing them to exist without dying off like nature would have intended.

At what point does this system stop producing these subhumans allowing natural humans return, or is it a civilisational down-ward spiral where there is no turning back from?

In this I'm not even factoring in the importation of low IQ retards through the implementation of the Kelargi Plan, merely the devolution of endemic social strata of western industrialised societies via the competence crisis.
in Other by Master (33.3k points)

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6 Answers

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Eh... No, first off, rude language for no good reason.

Secondly, No, the general population's IQ is not dropping. In fact, it is slowly rising, primarily due to the increasing availability of education in developing nations. This expanded access to education contributes to the enhancement of cognitive skills and knowledge, leading to a gradual increase in the average IQ globally.

Thirdly, the "Kalergi Plan" is absolute and utter bullshit. It's stupid bullshit conspiracy  theory falsely claiming that Richard Kalergi designed a plan to mix white Europeans with other races via immigration. It stems from a misinterpretation of his writings, and is the silliest bullshit I've ever seen. It's a hoax, with no factual grounding, merely serving as a tool for spreading racist and antisemitic ideas.

You're better than this, be better.
If you won't, explode promptly.
by Newbie (345 points)
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I think yes. ***** people seem to me to be very stupid people.
by Experienced (7.5k points)
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"Kelargi Plan, merely the devolution of endemic social strata of western industrialised societies via the competence crisis." I donno nothing Ima just a sample man.
by Newbie (362 points)
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revisiting this

IQs have droppped to 98. "Sub-100 IQ retard" is now the average.


"More research needs to be conducted to determine why IQ scores are falling across the country, but one expert speculated that a drop in reading and an increase in media entertainment, like YouTube, is at fault. " lol

No, they filled the west with dindus,macaco and jeets. If you fill the country via mass-migration with low IQ people, you get your country's IQ lowered over all. Shocking

by Master (33.3k points)
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The unspeakable spiritual world is related to the intelligence of people with the naked eye.
Or, there's a reagent called Harmonia that allows people to live longer, but the brain ages as it is, so their IQs are gradually decreasing. How will this society work if people stop taking Harmonia when the low birth rate is also serious? My opinion is that, but I think it's better to stop taking Harmonia and live a natural life.
But the future of modern society is dark.
by Newbie (207 points)
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i think so lol
by Expert (24.0k points)