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Yes, I've been wondering this question for a long time, but I'm not satisfied with the answers I've got, I want to try a different approach to this question instead. I know I can't legally own somebody, but is that true? As the world advance and new requirements shape the boundaries of society, I envision new ways of creating value that never was the case before. What I'm trying to bring to the table is, if anyone with a simple idea can reshape society, why not just create a safe reaven for people like me who wants to own you, so the world can benift from both of us? Like, imagine a cow out side eating grass, now imagine you role in this highly technological driven society.
in Other by Newbie (362 points)

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2 Answers

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I have a suggestion!
Get a hobby.
Instead of fantasizing about slavery, perhaps take up crocheting, perhaps woodcarving?
by Newbie (345 points)
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What benefit could there be to society from owning other people?
Why this is necessary for a slave owner is understandable. But why does society need this? What's the benefit?
by Experienced (7.5k points)