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Dose everyone think its gonna be another cover up, with couple names that will shock the world. I bet Bill Gates name won't be there. I feel like its going to be another cover up or some sort of distraction from something bigger. Why now ?
in Politics, wars, problems by Upcomer (577 points)

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2 Answers

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Could you explain for those who are not aware of the events. What is Epstine list and why it might be interesting.
by Active (2.7k points)
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Not sure what to explain, the rabbit hole of Jeffery Epstine, *****phile ring operated and ran by elites. If you would like to start on it i suggest with Isaac Kappy and his story. Don't get eaten by it becuase once you start digging in it can swallow you and change the perspective on the world. And thats only Level 1
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Spot on, it's a ruse. Something big is going down in the next few months.
by Master (33.3k points)
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What are you talking about? What's your guess?
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This info is old, if it was meant to be released in toto it would have been already. This is similar to the US senate fag ***** video that was released strategically to divert attention from whatever. Epstein's gig wasn't unique, there are loads of other blackmail operations all run by intelligence agencies but his was probably the most high profile. Whatever is going to be released now will only be released to strategically take care of loose ends and at the same time create a diversion from the main show that is being prepared. What this is I have no idea but I can guess broadly. Keep an ear out to what Klaus Schwab is concerned about at the moment.

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Missed your ass Malec, you super switched on.
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cheers bro, I'm always on the look out