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Tell me, do you think you are more secure than usual when you are on the dark web?
in Other by Active (2.7k points)

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3 Answers

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Safety is relative on the DW, it depends on what activities one engages in and personal discernment ultimately. Unless one is a total moron, the DW is definitely more fun than the clear net.
by Master (33.3k points)
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For many people, the Dark Web is the only way to see alternative opinions and express their point of view.

But the feeling of safety is not enough anywhere.
by Active (2.3k points)
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 I think that depends entirely to you like what you access, what's your purpose here and so. For your safety in general I would recommend to check if the sites/apps/platforms are verified or they might have potential risk, of course use a vpn while you are browsing and as an extra layer of protection use the onion router to access the deep/dark web through a virtual machine so you don't really expose your pc to risk of being compromised. Hope this a would help you around here.

Best regards!
by Active (1.5k points)