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Let's imagine an incredible situation.
You have been offered to kill yourself in exchange for not starting a nuclear world war.

That is, you have two options.
1. Tomorrow a world nuclear war begins and a huge number of people will die. Not everyone will die, but many will die. Perhaps you will die. Maybe squeeze it out.
2. You need to kill yourself. Then the war won't start. And very soon humanity will abandon nuclear weapons forever.

I understand that the situation is fantastic. Don't tell me that this is impossible.
This is a thought experiment and I'm very interested in knowing the honest answers.
in Other by Active (2.7k points)

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4 Answers

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No way I would kill myself. I would sit down relax and wait for the fireworks to start. If all of humanity was wiped out I would have saved it from existence.
by Master (33.3k points)
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Thank you.....
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I'm not sure, it's hard to imagine.
I think yes.
by Active (2.3k points)
0 0
Thank you.....
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Lol, i wouldn't even think about it. Grab my comfy socks and popcorn and let the show begin.
by Upcomer (577 points)
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Thank you.....
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Of course not!
Nuclear war will help kill all blacks, Jews and Russians!
by Active (1.6k points)
0 0
Very strange logic. Do you really know how atomic weapons work?