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I think this depopulation agenda just a ruse to steer the populations into a certain direction. 90% destruction of human resources doesn't make sense to the global elites' business model even though automation, AI and nanotech will make most jobs redundant.

What do you guys think?

in Politics, wars, problems by Master (33.3k points)

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7 Answers

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Why are you so interested in this topic?

by Active (2.7k points)
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look around for my posts and find out
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I read your threads, thank you. It's very interesting that you are so passionate about this.
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I have just one question. Why is this necessary? What is your opinion?
by Active (2.4k points)
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It’s better not to think about it, don’t you think?
by Experienced (5.3k points)
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i think it takes a whole lot of energy that needs to be produced to run artificial intelligence and robotics. if robotics merged with artificial intelligence is the next phase, its going to take up even more resources and at the rate the population has been growing the last century, the arithmetic doesnt make sense on par with resources. so when they talk about lowering the carbon...we are the carbon.
by Guest (111 points)
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I think. that this is not a completely normal fixation of consciousness on conspiracy theories
by Active (2.7k points)
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Well doc stay on your lane I guess.
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I don't think they want you dead straight away, but to be their tool or puppet so they can use you as they please. My honest opinion.
by Active (1.5k points)
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pretty much. the population as a whole is just seen as a big "maneuver mass" that can be used as pawns and then thrown away when no longer needed
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mate wake up there is no "secret lizard ppl getting rid of humans" shit theres is just capitalism. just look up data some few companies produce way more pollution, waste, etc than all the other 8 billion people combined

no the elites dont want YOU a PROUD TRADICIONAL AMERICAN dead they just want to perpetute oligarchies via shifting the blame to everyday people its not that hard cmon
by Newbie (191 points)
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Yup agree but next time read the OP properly before answering. The depop agenda is a ruse... for reasons yet to be determined. I have opinions in this regard however I want discussion.