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Hello everybody!

 I hope to help the new comers with this information, don't use EasyCoin wallet, you will most likely lose your money, I talk from my bad experience with them. So basically, I transferred my bitcoins into my wallet that's on EasyCoin, and for some reason right now I can transfer them to another bitcoin address or even withdraw them into another wallet I use, it just loads a blank white page that does nothing, nothing is happening or loading.

 So for your safety guys, I would recommend you to use Electrum or Exodus as wallets, hope this article helps you to avoid the bad experience I had. Stay safe guys!

Best regards!
in Technology & Crypto by Active (1.5k points)

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5 Answers

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Valuable information, thanks
by Official (102k points)
1 0

 Well thanks! I learned my lesson over there, I'll keep up with the good work and hopefully I'll help others too!

Best regards!
2 like 0 dislike
Thank you. I was just about to create an account here... I'll probably take your advice and hold off
by Newbie (194 points)
0 0

 I did hope you didn't make an account and deposit there, besides the fact that there are several mirror links and clones as well, they don't work. I could use the wallet like one time to transfer some funds, second time I couldn't so yeah, big scam tho.

Best regards!
2 like 0 dislike
yes, I had problems too... I lost $200 and couldn't get anything back afterwards
by Experienced (7.8k points)
0 0

 Same here! I learned my lesson! Stay safe guys!

Best regards!
2 like 0 dislike
thanks for the warning
by Experienced (7.5k points)
1 like 0 dislike
yup it's crap, you should use Electrum
by Master (33.3k points)
0 0
Hello again my friend!

 Yeah, Electrum is indeed a solid option, but what about Exodus? Isn't it a wallet option as well? Just wanna know. Thank you for your answer!

Best regards!