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I would like to take responsibility into my own hands, but I'm sick and suffering and I don't want to blame anyone and I can't communicate properly right now and I don't blame anyone and I don't want to force you and I feel bad I have dementia and computer vision syndrome and I can't control and I'm not thinking straight I beg your pardon please read the first ones and I would like to run away from home because my parents and sister force me to work even if I am sick and I am not well and I am not respected at home and bullied and discriminated against and I am not a believer and I do not want to live with my parents and they do not want to help me and I am I am sick and I hate my parents and my sister and my country and I will not visit believers and mostly Islamists and musulman HI GUYS, I am sick because of the computer, I had vision -8 left eye and right -7 and I was diagnosed with "High degree myopia Complex myopic astigmatism" and I had surgery and but the problems remained tension and irritation and pain in the eyes and head and back are frequent in the neck and spine and I feel bad and I have memory problems and I don't think well and I feel weak and but now there is no pain so strong, last time I wrote the truth and now I can't write normally and communicate either, and please, if possible, you can help and an MRI showed atrophy of the measles of the frontal-parietal-temporal regions of the cerebral hemispheres and another MRI showed signs of retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst, indirect signs of moderate intracranial hypertension. Tension and irritation in the eyes and as if an impulse in the eyes (vision deteriorates, then the previous state returns again and again and again it happens) and I have bad habits smoking cigarettes and drinking energy drinks and Coca Cola and pepsi and fanta and I don't think well and thinking badly and I don't want to live with them I'm sick and my head doesn't work and there is no freedom at home because my parents and sister and when I hear other people say negative words about me and talk about something, they discriminate against me and say that I was silent and negative words and I get excited and my head and eyes and back hurt part OF the brain I ASK YOU TO READ PLEASE HELP ME AND GIVE ME ADVICE

Я хотел бы взять ответственность свои руки но болен и страдаю и не хочу кого-то заствалять и я сам сейчас не могу нормально общатся и я никого не обвиняю и вас не хочу заставлять и мне плохо у меня деменция и компьютерный зрительный синдром и у меня не могу контролировать и у меня я плохо соображаю прошу прошения первые прочитайте пожалуйста и я хотел бы сбежать из дома потому что мои родители и сестра заставляют меня работать если даже болен и мне не хорошо и меня дома не уважают и издеваются и дискриминируют и я не верующий и я не хочу жить с родителями и мне не хотят помочь и я серёзьно болен и я ненавижу родителей и сестру и свою страну и не навижу верующих людей и в основном исламистов и мусулман ПРИВЕТ РЕБЯТА я болен из-за компьютера у меня было зрение -8 левый глаз и правый -7 и мне поставили диагноз "Миопия высоко степени Сложный миопический астигматизм" и мне сделали операцию и но проблемы остались напряжение и раздражение и боль в глазазх и голове и задня часты шее и позвоночнике и мне плохо и у меня проблемы с памятью и плохо соображаю и я чуствую слабость и но сейчас боли нет такие сильние, прошлой раз я написал правду и я сейчас не могу писать нормально и общаться тоже и пожалуйста если есть возможнесть можете помочь и МРТ показала атрофии кори лобно-теменно-височных областей больших полушарий головного мозга и другой МРТ показал признаки ретроцеребеллярной арахноидальной кисты, косвенные признаки умеренной внутричерепной гипертензии. Напряжение и раздражение в глазах и как будто импульс в глазах (зрение ухудшается потом снова возвращается прежнее состояние и снова и снова так происходит) и у меня вредные привычки курит сигареты и пью энергетические напитки и кока кола и пепси и фанта и я плохо соображаю и мышлением плохо и я не хочу жить с ними я болен и у меня голова не работает и дома нет свободы потому что родители и сестра и когда я слышу другие люди обо мне говорят негативные слова и говорью про что-то они дискриминируют меня и говорят что я молчал и негативные слова и раждражаюсь и болит голова и глаза и задняя часть мозга ПРОШУ ВАС ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ МНЕ И ДАЙТЕ СОВЕТ
in Other by Newbie (497 points)

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Introduce yourself to the welfare of your country
by Newbie (305 points)
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A tourist visited Uzbekistan and honestly admitted that he would never return here again - reasons 01/11/2024, 10:04 Society It’s no secret that tourism is thriving in Uzbekistan and every year more and more tourists from all over the world visit the country. Many are accustomed to hearing rave reviews about Uzbek hospitality, delicious food, abundance of fruits and so on, however, experienced travelers cannot help but pay attention to a number of disadvantages. “I went to Uzbekistan and I don’t ever want to go back there again,” this is how one of the tourists who visited our country began his story. According to him, he really loves to travel and visit new places, discover something new, and then one day his eyes were turned to Uzbekistan. The man took tickets and traveled to a number of cities in the country, including the capital, Tashkent. Unfortunately, after this amazing trip, he no longer intends to return here. However, he explained point by point the reasons why this happened. Firstly, according to him, in Uzbekistan any foreigner is perceived as a wallet who must constantly pay. The citizen does not deny the fact that there will always be nice and selfless Uzbeks, however, this does not deny the fact that everything in the country is very expensive for tourists. At the same time, this will not always be a deception of some petty swindlers, but an accepted state policy. For example, any hotels for visitors are many times more expensive than for locals. Entrance fees to any place for foreigners can sometimes cost as much as 10 times more. The tourist noticed that people see this approach and begin to behave in the same way. For example, in a small cafe they tried to sell him kebab for 5 times more expensive than indicated on the menu. “Simply because I’m not local. There is no desire to return with such prices,” he explained. The second item on the list of reasons why tourists no longer intend to visit Uzbekistan is the fact that it has turned out to be difficult to find national food in our country. No matter how strange and absurd it may sound, he was able to try the favorite dish of all Uzbek citizens - pilaf - only after a week in the country. This is because in city centers there are only fashionable places with burgers and pizza. As the citizen noted, local Uzbek youth are more than happy with this approach, because they have long been tired of pilaf and samsa. But he, in turn, was quite sad, because in order to try Uzbek cuisine, he had to go to the outskirts. Tashkent burgers were not to his taste: “they are not tasty, but they cost the same as in Moscow.” In general, he no longer wants to come to Uzbekistan for burgers, but with pilaf everything turned out to be very difficult. Thirdly, he did not like the so-called bureaucracy. The fact is that at each hotel he had to take special coupons and show them when leaving the country. As for the hotels themselves, he was not satisfied with the price range here either - too expensive. In addition, it is impossible to simply stay in someone’s apartment in Uzbekistan, because temporary registration is required, for which you need to hand over your passport together with the owner of the apartment to a special organization. “In general, it’s a complete bureaucracy and it’s very inconvenient,” he wrote. It is also noted that only recently Uzbekistan began to sell SIM cards to foreigners, while previously this was impossible. “There are positive changes, but for now I’m not ready to come to this country again,” he continued, noting that some positive dynamics are still present. Next on the list, the tourist was not pleased with the fact that there are bans on photography in the country. Recently in Tashkent visitors were allowed to take photographs of the metro, but there are still bans on photographing many buildings, people in uniform, and so on. The man was faced with the fact that when he was simply taking random pictures of the streets, law enforcement officers approached him and demanded that he delete the pictures, arguing that something had gotten into the frame. A tourist considers this approach far from friendly, especially in our modern world, when everyone has an excellent camera on their phone. So he doesn’t want to walk around and be afraid of accidentally filming something forbidden, nor do he want to come to Uzbekistan again. At the same time, he does not deny the positive aspects and emphasized that the country has a huge amount of historical heritage, many truly wonderful people and delicious cuisine, if you can find it. “But so far for me there are more minuses than pluses,” he concluded. By the way, users of social networks agreed with him and said that finally at least someone had collected honest material about Uzbekistan. Most tourists in the comments to his post on social networks wrote that in Uzbekistan everyone is only chasing money, and even for money the employees are not competent and cannot provide services at a decent level.

Uzbekistan is shit and the country will soon fall apart and political and economic and social problems may begin there and famines will begin and population growth is growing there in Tashkent, the city center, people come from other parts of Uzbekistan and this country is an autonomous republic and there is corruption and Islamists are here and they want to live both in Europe and in the USA and in China But they won't succeed and I won't visit the Muslims

Women and girls become Muslim and dumb some of them go to psychics and fortune tellers like my mom and sister do different stupid things and go to Islamic psychics and fortune tellers and read the Quran and verses from the Quran 1000 times and 500 times and believe someone shares witchcraft and black magic with us and believe so much God and the Prophets of Muhammad and Moses and consider Jesus a prophet and not the son of God and pray 5 times and read the prayer 5 times and they believe that someone is doing witchcraft and black magic to them so that they die and that they get sick and all of us and that we do not work and get money I'm tired of it and it's annoying, I want to get away from them and I'm tired of any religion and Musulman men, they're so stupid too