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The card I have is the card of a Turkish businessman. The approximate limit of the card is 80 k dollars. I work with Monero, I am waiting for your offers from those who want to buy it. I will sell it at auction, I do not think to sell it for less than 6 k dollars.

in Other by Newbie (210 points)

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10 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
I need Online Paypal account
by Newbie (150 points)
3 like 0 dislike
Fascinating story.
You should find real idiots who will believe this
by Experienced (7.8k points)
0 0
ok you are free to not believe
3 like 0 dislike
Why don't you cash it all out yourself? It's much easier...
by Experienced (7.8k points)
0 0
Because I live in the same country as the owner of the card, I may get into trouble. That's why I prefer to sell it to someone from abroad.
3 like 0 dislike
Hey hello!
Do you have a website?
If not, then I wouldn't trust you.
I ordered cloned cards here:

Great site with good reviews. And yet I thought and doubted. I had fear.
But everything worked out, and now I am the happiest person.

But I could hardly believe a suspicious person like you...

Or do you have your own website with services?
by Newbie (463 points)
3 like 0 dislike
Look, it's not my job, this is a card that I got by pure luck and it needs to be sold urgently, this is a great opportunity, I wish I could convert it into cash myself.
by Newbie (210 points)
3 like 0 dislike
***** it
Fraudsters used to be smarter. They have become completely lazy.
Or have people just gotten dumber? hey, what do you think?
by Active (1.4k points)
0 0
people are getting dumber...
2 like 0 dislike
bad idea. I do not trust you
by Active (2.1k points)
1 like 0 dislike
how do i buy
by Newbie (150 points)
0 0
good luck dude. If you don't need 6k bucks at all, maybe you'd rather give it to me?
Or do you want to help this scammer?
1 like 0 dislike
so how? Was there an idiot who believed you? lol))))
by Newbie (416 points)
1 like 0 dislike
is this true or is this a scam?
by Upcomer (763 points)