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Any one want to kill someone from USA or Canada  me and my brother will do it for Bitcoins interested DM me  session id 053870340991bdf82e3e6ede34a303cad116a35125985666ad27798d6ab9d66035
in Other by Guest (138 points)

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2 Answers

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I think this is funny.
Ads from killers are not often posted on this forum.
And then, within a few minutes of each other, two announcements were made from completely new accounts.

One works in America. The second one in Moscow provides services.

There was a clear feeling that this was the work of an inexperienced scammer.

Is there anyone else who has noticed the signs of a scammer?
by Active (1.4k points)
0 0
yes, it's obvious. very stupid mistake
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by Advanced (3.2k points)