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Friends, pay attention. Especially newcomers. As a network security specialist, Python and blockchain programmer, crack and hack. I have a series of explanations regarding your security. Read carefully.

To remain hidden in the dark web, one must adhere to complex and diverse techniques. These techniques include using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to change the IP address and encrypt communications, which enables concealing the location and online identity. Additionally, using Tor browsers, which route internet traffic through multiple servers and employ encrypted traffic, facilitates hiding online activities.

Moreover, to prevent online tracking, one can utilize tools and browsers that have the capability to block online tracking. For secure communications, encrypted emails and messaging platforms such as Signal or Telegram can be used. Keeping software and operating systems up to date can also enhance security in the dark web, as it ensures being current with the latest updates and addressing security vulnerabilities.

in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (389 points)

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1 Answer

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Isn't all this obvious?
ok, thanks for your concern anyway
by Active (2.1k points)
1 0
If you notice, I wrote "especially newcomers". In any case, it was an explanation that I thought was not bad to say. In addition, people are entering the dark web recently who think that it is like Instagram and Facebook.