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8 like 1 dislike
Setting up a phishing site. Ability to receive and transfer real money with credit cards and bank cards. Ability to receive and transfer cryptocurrency. It is possible to clone your desired site as a phishing site.

The price of this service is $500.

Email or send a private message to request.

[email protected]
in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (389 points)

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2 Answers

3 like 1 dislike
Wow! Boy, you're cool!
You offer the following:
hey, who wants to become a scammer and scam people? Contact me, I will help you with this!
by Active (1.4k points)
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So, if you want to be a scammer, call me ;)
0 0
No thanks. I'm done with fraud.
I have found ways to make money on the dark web without scamming people. And you know what?
In the long run, this turns out to be more profitable.
I wish the same for you.
0 0
it wouldn't be bad if you teach me too
2 like 1 dislike
Thanks but no thanks. Please post this disrespectful message to somewhere else but not here. On the other hand, you are not the only person to create so kind of website to scam people here. Even with the new generative AI and coding helpers, it only few dollars cost to create fully functional website within few hours of time in these days. Please think why the others are not choosing this path to themselves. You are not the only smart or clever guy on this block.
by Active (1.6k points)
0 0
The things you explained are completely correct, but you did not consider a series of issues. A person who does not have enough knowledge to launch a phishing site and launches this site with the help of artificial intelligence, how much time should he spend debugging and testing the site? There are many other things that you don't pay attention to. Look a little deeper into this.