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Those who like to do a very nice job pay attention!
I plan to start a hacking platform and infiltrate different systems. This platform is integrated. That is, you can do this through a platform, but separately:

1. Obtain new IPs based on the country or city to infiltrate the victim's system.
2. Check open ports for each IP.
3. Ability to raise and penetrate the victim's system.
4. Implement a variety of Python commands for everything on the victim system (the commands I wrote to this day. Those who will be with me can also tell me all kinds of commands that I love to write with Python).
5. Visual sickle attacks and attack the victim system.
6. Copy the victim's files from the hacked system (without realizing the victim).
7. Encrypt and locking on the victim's system to asking for money and giving or Decrypt the victim's files.
8. Ability to convert the victim's system into a minor device for extracting the cryptocurrency (without the victim noticed).
9. Ability to convert the victim's system into a VPS to use multiple attacks to stay anonymous (without the victim realizes).

And a lot of other features I explain. This is a great and lovely project. Because it is written on the web, it cannot be tracked at all, and any update to be made is available and automatically updated.

Anyone who would like to be in this project give me a private message to give the ID Telegram to talk there.
in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (389 points)

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