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I read messages and questions on the forum.
I noticed that a lot of people are worried about finding money and earning money. People want money quickly and a lot.

I became interested.
Tell us why you need money now?
What will you do if you receive the desired amount now? And what amount are we talking about?

I promise I will give you money if your answer impresses me.
in Other by Experienced (8.1k points)

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10 Answers

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Ok I'll humour you. I'm not trying to make a lot of money quickly with no effort. I am actually trying to do something with the time I spend on the dw. I'm trying to learn new things, things that will eventually lead me to raise some capital or seed-money that would make me in control of my finances and most importantly my finances to be out of reach of any government because the government can suck a bag of dicks because they are all a bunch of freeloading parasites. What I'm aiming for is raising around 15-20K and than turn to more serious business, the sort of thing you explained in one of your posts, securities and the lot....

I agree with you on on the fact that there is a lot of opportunities that exist on the dw and can certainly pay dividends if presented with the right one. But like with anything in life, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is, so yes the main skill here is to see opportunities and not deal with scammers.
by Master (35.2k points)
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Well said.
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Hello, Sir! I don't understand why you're doing this, is it to watch people bow down in front of you begging for charity? To feed your sense of honor?
You may have a lot of money, but can't you find the meaning of life? I've been reading all your posts. What are you doing? Looking for investment? Pray for happiness? My mother taught me self-esteem and self-reliance at a very ***** age. I was already very difficult in real life, being squeezed by the company, restricted by the government, and exhausted by the terrible weather. But I don't think I'll ask anyone for money. This is all I have left. It may not be worth much. I don't know why I'm replying to you, using a *****ing translator, translating bit by bit.
I admit that I have lived a bad life, cheated, bad investments, parents' debts, the burden of the body, the only reason and ideals left. I always imagined that if I could win a million dollars, half a million would pay off my parents' debts, two hundred thousand would pay off my own accounts, and the remaining three hundred thousand, I would go back to the countryside and take my dog with me.
However, I just want to do one thing at the moment, to develop a website, a truly free speech website, a decentralized WEB3.0 forum site, everyone can speak their thoughts, it will have no owner, only the members of each committee. The votes of all will decide whether these people stay or go. A utopia. Committees are all about dispute resolution, serving everyone, a true utopia!
by Guest (127 points)
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Hi Jamato,

Let me give my humble opinion and answer. In today's economic world, everybody has some needs and most of us living and sustaining our families or beloved ones with tight budgets. Mostly paycheck to paycheck. The amounts may differ based on which tier we are aiming for. If I will be talking for myself, 2-5K for initiating some side hustle like flipping. In another words buying some used goods, repairing them and reselling again with profit. 10-20K to close some loans that I am repaying right now with my full time work earnings. And for the dream scenario, having a money between 80-100K to start a profitable business and leave away from 9-5 corporate world.

All then things above are gradual steps that I have taken in the past and gradually growing. The most important thing is never expect something for free or really cheap. Because free cheese only found in traps.

I would like to thank you for creating this opportunity to share my thoughts with general.

I wish you all the best on your life.
by Active (1.6k points)
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Good day,

Im from South Africa, in a little mining town called Middelburg,

Well I need money, because I was unfairly dismissed at work, company ignoring my requests to have my unused leave days paid to me as instructed by law that upon dismissal or resignation it be paid immediately, but unfortunately my government dont care about anything other than their own pockets so no justice being served.

Secondly I was forced out of my house that I rented, went to work (self employed that time and still now) when I came back all my belongings were taken outside trying to piece together what happening and where to start a storm hits and everything got wasted by hail and rain.

I also have 2 of the most best mannered pitbulls (Male - Dozer (2 y.o) Female - Leyla (1 y.o & 7 months) lost my 3rd 4 - legged ***** at 9 months old due to Parvovirus. At the moment we all living in the car that also giving more problems than comfort.

What ill do with money?

Ill immediately would love to fix the front shocks of my car as they both broken off the treaded part on top side fastening in enjine bay, had to drill the 2 ends of where it broke to make a temporary fix but it really bad now

Secondly id really want to find a place to rent that pet friendly for my 4 - legged *****ren and pay rent like in advance for 6 months or even a year.

Last Id love to do what I love since it now legal to do so in South Africa, im really good at hemp oil extraction or heat press extraction and id love to start my own business doing extractions know everything from when seed goes in ground till when flower/bud processed and packaged

Did a lot of different experiments and friends I made I didnt know was the enemy in disguise and after mastering, dab making, hydrocarbon extraction, distillation extraction, heat press extraction exc and built all equipment by myself, and id really love to get back on my feet and finally make money with what im really good at and love

Ammount needed?

In South Africa, dollar has a lot more vallue so think it wont be that much just to get my life back on track, car fixed and start a business (have a permit issuer to obtain growing permit, and clients for all various extraction methods mentioned as all end up as different end products thus the difference in how processing is done) $10 000.00 will hugely impact my life to also cash in on the new market as industry mostly unknown to most residents here thus I have a huge advatage of knowledge  and skill and know how to build and design all my extractors myself as I have always done.

I Just need 1 last opportunity where someone can back me with funding, because I have a real winning  idea that can create a lot of jobs and again put me in the position to pay forward if I can gain said fund backing, even if this is not where I get my dream realized, when it does ill still pay it forward as that the rite way to do it and help someone else in need of some backing

Hope you are well and will continue to be healthy and fit.


by Guest (113 points)
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I live and am from the country that is said to be the heart of South America.
My purpose in life is to get only 500 dollars to travel to Spain where my godmother is, she will help me with the rest of the ticket.
So she let me know but I have to put those dollars in my pocket.
500 dollars
I sincerely want to get out of this third world country, which still lacks a lot of development.
Here there is a lot of corruption and inflation goes up and up and up and up and up.
People don't do anything, they don't care.
But if most people go to other countries where there are more opportunities to grow, I want to do it too.
I want to travel to Spain to grow, to have a good job, with the help of my godmother.
And to be able one day to have my own martial arts dojo.
Because I like to teach people how to defend themselves from anyone who can hurt them.
if you could help me with that I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart good man.
by Newbie (448 points)
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I need to pay my University fees Only. that is only $260.
by Guest (112 points)
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I need money to restore my health completely and learn programming and create websites and games, and I need about $1 million or $10 million
by Newbie (497 points)
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I live in Turkey. I got married in 2022, I lost my house and my job in the earthquake in February 2023. I waited under the rubble for 2 days to be rescued with my wife. Until this age, my life has always been in poverty and it still is. Because I continue to live in a container in the earthquake zone. I'm trying to change things in my shitty life, but I can't succeed. I want to have a house and a job, so I can offer a good life to my wife and my *****ren who will be born in the future. My only goal right now is to find 10 thousand dollars and open a business and earn money. I don't want free money from anyone. I want to do this sooner or later. I will do it late, no matter what the cost. Now I am at the beginning of the road and I am new here, I am researching what I can do. I will do whatever it takes to find 10 thousand dollars.
by Newbie (210 points)
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In the past 2 years I've developed but have been fighting to overcome a gambling addiction that tends to come and go once or twice a year. I am a student, and do not have enough time to balance classes and a part time job since my advanced courses are too difficult.

After winning a couple grand off of a gambling website a couple years back, I got hooked to the idea of potentially being able to win the extra money I need off of a gambling website when I needed some extra cash for something I needed or wanted.

I've managed to "be over" the addiction for about a year, but recently went on a spree again as a result of stress and anxiety being too pent up from being overwhelmed with life. This spree resulted in a loss of about $3000, which included my entire savings and investments.

My desired amount of money is $2000. If I received the desired amount now, I would re-invest into assets I sold and pissed away gambling, set an indefinite lockout period on any online gambling accounts I have, and try to take a step forward in the right direction in other aspects of life as well.

Am more than willing to provide proof that the money is being used as such, and I am following the steps I described.
by Newbie (391 points)
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I want to be financially free to a point that I would be able to buy my own house and not worry about living expenses. I trust this would allow me to focus fully on my desire to help those who are sick and in pain, free from the worry that I rely on the little salary I get from excelling in providing excellent care.

Being that we're in the dw and that you are offering this opportunity, I think I would rather you teach me the ways that had helped you get to where you are now as I believe it will so much more meaningful and worth it.

All the best to you Jamato.
by Guest (144 points)