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"About Immortal Search

Hi. You are on the website that was created for finding illegal goods, communities, news, books and another cool stuff. It doesn't use cookies or scripts for its work, the only thing you provide to me is your search query. Enjoy.

How it works?

It's just an index with several hundreds of thousands of pages. What about censorship? I delete only scam & spam onions from the index and i don't care about illegal stuff in it, for example, ***** & drugs, because morality is too abstract and relative thing to worry about. I'm just trying to make my search engine more useful and safe."
in Markets & commercial by Master (33.3k points)

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4 Answers

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Yes, this is just a very beautiful fraud!

Enter any request. You are shown the same sites or their clones.
Obviously, this was done only to divert attention.
Some very smart scammer created this cunning scheme.

Search engine disguise. But she seems to be searching only among certain sites.

Be careful guys, it's dangerous. Looks great, but it's actually a scam!
by Active (1.4k points)
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Dude, you're right. I tried the query "cloned maps" and it provided a large list of sites. But they are all the same. Looks like it's really a scam.
I never would have thought
2 like 0 dislike
Well, I'm delighted with what has been done in this service.
But I think it sucks and is a disgusting scam.
by Active (2.1k points)
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Hi 1malec11,

Thanks for sharing this site.
by Active (1.6k points)
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I'm a little shocked. I never thought that a scammer could create such a complex scheme
by Experienced (5.3k points)