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9 like 1 dislike
This forum is good.
However, you don't know all the information.
I talk to a lot of people here and they tell me things.
To prevent unnecessary people from seeing the information, I will not publish it publicly. Write to me in private messages and I will tell you. It's in your best interest.
in Other by Active (1.4k points)

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7 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
Be careful! This is a scammer!
He wrote to me in private messages.
He accuses everything around him of fraud. He also accuses Hidden Answers of being a scam. This is especially strange because it's just a forum that doesn't sell anything.

He then offers to buy the cloned cards from him.
It doesn't have a website and refuses to use escrow. He is ready to provide a discount. He actively convinces you to buy.
This is definitely a scammer! I know such scumbags.

Be careful! Don't pay him any money!
Don't believe his persuasion!
He is willing to say anything to convince you to pay him money.

Good luck, friends! I wish you all the best!
by Active (2.3k points)
0 2
***** you asshole. If you don't want to buy, that's your business. You'll miss a good chance.
0 0
Please be mindful about the language you are using. Based on your response tone and attitude, you see these objective and knowledge sharing messages as risk of your personal scamming business. It is a pity.
2 like 0 dislike
by Active (2.3k points)
2 like 0 dislike
Really curious to know.
by Active (1.6k points)
2 like 0 dislike
it's soo interesting. tell us
by Newbie (151 points)
2 like 0 dislike
Dear Joni,

After reading the PM you have sent, I am really seriously doubtful about how genuine you are. The way you write your message, without sharing or pointing to any proof points, puts you into a greedy and dishonest person category.

On the other hand, in an environment even we cannot trust the web sites or the markets properly, how can you expect any person to trust you for some claims shared over a PM.

Let me remind you one important thing that we are here to create peaceful environment with everybody who are contributing. We are not here to buy or sell things but share what we know and can do with others. Your approach and attitude is normally not welcomed here.

You can say lots of things about this platforms governance. But let me remind you that, when you have created your account here you have already accepted all terms and conditions.

It is completely up to you to stay here or not but whatever your decision is I wish you best of luck in your life.
by Active (1.6k points)
0 0
and I think you should just go ***** yourself with your opinion
1 like 0 dislike
anyone got the information to share?
by Newbie (286 points)
1 like 0 dislike
please write to me
by Newbie (497 points)