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War is going on between many countries and many countries are indulging themselves too to help other countries to fight back.

Dooms day clock just have 90 seconds left till disaster

The domino effect, war will create war between other countries too

Is it really going to happen or it will get normal just after sometime or something big will going to happen next.
in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (209 points)

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9 Answers

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The war is already underway. And if you think you can watch her on your couches with popcorn, you'll die very soon.
War will come to everyone. You need to go and fight for Ukraine now. Russia will come to you and destroy you if Ukraine does not stop it.
Putin will come to your homes. Get off your asses and do something.
by Newbie (415 points)
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Yea it's definitely happening soon.
by Newbie (162 points)
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I agree with all previous answers and also can add that currently we are living in the era of WWIII.

It has multiple facades. Economy is one leg. The technology is another. The world of surveillance and controlling of the masses is another instrument. Information and knowledge pollution is used for hiding this from societies. Local proxy wars under the Terrorism is most widely adapted way of fighting in this era, instead of bringing the regular armies face to face.

These are the initial things that I could spill to your question.

I wish best of luck to all humanity, wherever it exists.
by Active (1.6k points)
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What do you think about nuclear weapons? will it be used or not in the future ? if it will then there will not a single person remain alive.
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Based on what I read and listen, there will not be a big potential usage of nuclear weapons but most probably some small scale tactic nuclear missiles can be used on some locations to trigger huge human movements between geographies.

The most potential usage point may be the asia-pacific region concerning the stress between US and CN.
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WW3 has been going on for at least 5 decades, some may even say that WW2 never really ended at Yalta.
by Master (35.2k points)
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damn thats crazy!! but at the same time seems so real.
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Stop scaring people!
Most countries in the world are already unstable and unsettled, people are worried and feel unwell.

The Third World War may happen, perhaps it is already underway, and perhaps humanity will be able to avoid it.

The most important thing is that you and I and the majority of people on planet earth cannot influence this in any way.

There's enough bad news already. There is no need to create unnecessary panic and ruin people’s lives.
by Experienced (7.5k points)
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You might be right, but it is important for the people to get up and start preparing mentally for it like being mentally strong rather than fapping on the screen.
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no one is forcing you to open your eyes, these are mere whispers...
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As far as I know these major historical events come in cycles of 180 years, during which there is a repeating ebb and flow. During these periods the parasitic elites or shepherds/guardians of humanity (it depends on perspective) have to make sure to reshuffle and cull the herd before the end of the cycle because otherwise it would cannibalise and end itself. The latter not being a negative prospect if you look at it with a Gnostic lens. However, the elites don't want this to happen because they'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven...

Right now we are in the third 30 years war cycle within the grater one. The first one was the original 30 years war that almost killed Germany, the second one was WW1 1915 until WW2 1945 (30 years) and this one we’re in now began in 2014 with the coup in Ukraine and will end in 2045 plus minus 3 years. The goal is to sustain the system until then because it guarantees population replacement. They are giving boomers and Xers an easy time while making Millennials and *****mers suffer until then. Because Boomers & Xers have all the money and run all the infrastructure while Millennials and *****mers could potentially revolt, thus most probably will be sent to a meatgrinder with some bullshit pretext before the cycle ends and the next starts. By then the older generations will be gone and the rest would have been reduced by war, famine and pestilence thus ensuring the ruling elites will have the least possible amount of competition when the game is reset.
by Master (35.2k points)
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If it happens that a nuclear disaster occurs and imminent death in agony is inevitable, I would only like to have more different drugs at hand. Let's think that this is the best moment to try everything and die in a beautiful illusory world.
by Active (2.3k points)
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Yes, man, I want to end this damn life the same way.
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We're all *****ed
by Experienced (7.3k points)
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There is a feeling that world politicians want this. Don't you think so?
by Experienced (9.9k points)