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We are a group of doctors who are helping in Gaza and the surrounding area. We know it's dangerous but it's the right thing to do. When we arrive, we need food, clothing, medicines. We will take care of a lot of people for as long as we are there (until the end of the war) Therefore we need your help:


in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (153 points)

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6 Answers

3 like 1 dislike
I don't see any reason to look for funds for such activities on the dark web. This is a completely legal and socially approved matter. There are many official and semi-official support funds, you can create your own fundraiser in a completely legal format. You can advertise this openly. And this way you can collect much more than anonymously on the dark web.

There can be only one conclusion. You are a *****ing scammer who is very vilely trying to exploit such a problem. It's disgusting.
by Experienced (7.8k points)
1 0
We also look for funds on social media, YouTube, and other forms. This is just another tool.
2 0
stop lying and shut up. This is a lot of stupidity, not a tool. The only reason to try to find money here is to try to scam people.
1 0
I admire that you can spot deception so easily. Respect! Everything is quite logical, but I wouldn’t even think about it.
2 like 1 dislike
On the darknet? Sure thing doc let me send you money...
by Master (33.3k points)
0 1
My career is medicine. I don't like that there is so much mistrust.
3 like 2 dislike
such a cruel way to scam people
by Newbie (468 points)
1 0
On Tuesday we traveled to Gaza.
2 like 1 dislike
That's funny.

This guy private messaged me and offered to buy some extra money from another dude. We believed it and decided to try it. We were deceived and lost money. This was quite recently.
Ha ha ha! And then he published this topic and assures you that he is doing charity work!
You're just a mother*****er!
by Newbie (197 points)
1 1
LOL, here comes the truth
1 like 0 dislike
get out of here you asshole
by Active (1.7k points)
0 like 0 dislike
you need to carefully search your conscience, where is it?
by Newbie (246 points)