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Whats the point that Putin is trying to make? Why do this? Why waste so much personal on this?

If he's trying to get the land, why not do it more aggressively? He is not stupid. He knew what he does it not enough to make Ukraine fall. Some might say he wants to test his military to fight against NATO, but then again, why waste so much resources on this? It just doesn't make sense to me.
in Politics, wars, problems by Guest (125 points)

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5 Answers

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he did what no one had dared to do for over 30 years. He challenged the US
by Active (1.4k points)
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new world order. He is leading a world revolution that will lead humanity to a new stage of development.
by Newbie (415 points)
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It's just a struggle for resources. But Putin is clearly fighting for security for Russia.
by Active (2.1k points)
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It is completely unclear what he wants and what his goals are. I would like all countries to be able to finally agree and live peacefully
by Experienced (5.3k points)
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maybe he has his own bosses
by Upcomer (642 points)