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I've been wanting to try psychedilics, but the last time I tried to buy some, the website exit scammed (it was Royal Market).

Are there any market sites out there where I don't need to worry about being exit scammed or at least where it's less of a risk? The only things I can think of that might come close are:

  • A site that uses a 3rd party escrow service (I'm not sure what this would be though)
  • Something decentralized like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenBazaar
    • I can't find any that sell drugs though

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions for how to avoid being exit scammed? I've tried doing background research on these darkweb drug sites, but even the ones that sound reputable end up exit scamming.

I appreciate any advice or info.

in Markets & commercial by Guest (119 points)

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1 Answer

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I would have deceived you too. I hate drugs and drug addicts. you deserve to be deceived
by Active (1.4k points)