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In some parts of East Asia, it is assumed that the cost of a pencil is 1 dollar, while the price of the same pencil in the United States is 10 dollars. I have many channels for cheap goods, as well as many channels for high-imitation goods. A pair of Nike sneakers only costs 60 dollars in India, but the price in the second-hand market in the United States is 500-600 dollars. If you're wondering, why don't I make the difference myself. The reason is simple. I don’t have a good withdrawal method. In fact, these second-hand websites or shopping websites often freeze my funds because my IP is in India. Our country has a huge labor market. People in our villages work hard all day to process products, but our wages are as low as the prices of goods. In fact, you can buy a lot of things with us for $1. Find a partner, I will provide low-price products, I will open up logistics channels, you will sell the products, and transfer the money to my account after selling the products.
in Job offers by Guest (125 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Let me help you technically.

Visit https://www.oracle.com/cloud/free/ and create a free cloud account. For the Region you can select either a location from Europe (Netherlands or Germany) or United States.

Create a virtual machine on the cloud you have created. Here is the step by step guide. https://blog.cybelesoft.com/create-virtual-machine-vm-oracle-cloud . Select A1 Ampere *****U for your virtual machine with 2 *****U and 12 GB RAM. This will be a strong machine.

Setup a VPN Server on the Virtual Machine you have created. Here is the guide. https://www.wundertech.net/wg-easy-wireguard-vpn-server/

Connect to this VPN server while doing your second hand shop operations. This way you will not need to look for another person to earn money.

I hope this helps.

In case any questions, drop me a DM and I can reply from there.

Best of Luck
by Active (1.6k points)