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I've never bought fixed matches and Id like to know how this kind of site works.
in Markets & commercial by Guest (125 points)

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3 Answers

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Hi dude. I've never bought one either, but I'm planning to do so.
From what I could understand, it's quite simple. I pay money, they tell me the result of the match, I make money on the bet. Is not it so?

I'm going to buy a match very soon, would you like to come with me? Maybe split the payment in half?
by Newbie (248 points)
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did it worked out ?
by Expert (23.7k points)
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Select the match you want to buy, pay, and the result of the match will be sent to you by email.
Well, then you place a bet where you want, find a reliable bookmaker, that’s all.
by Newbie (394 points)