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On football money, are all the games in the 100% section really 100%? Those who are used to paying 100% for their games is it ever possible that the game gets lost? Thank you

in Other by Newbie (174 points)

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5 Answers

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Nobody can give 100%. There is always a possibility that the seller himself cannot take into account. He also buys information before selling it, so sometimes troubles happen. As practice shows, this does not happen often, which is why betting earnings on fixed matches is so popular.
by Newbie (441 points)
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can u send me the link of football money?
by Guest (135 points)
0 1
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really ?
by Expert (23.1k points)
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Well, if it's advertised as 100% I think it should be 100%, and if not, a refund should be issued. Not sure if that's the case for football money, but there's probably more information on the site.

If I recall correctly, football money has specific methods to ensure that it's 100% but I personally have not bought from them.
by Active (1.2k points)
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I'm just as worried as you are. I want to buy a fixed match, maybe we can team up? I want to split the fee between two people, so there will be less risk? What do you think?

Have you purchased fixed matches before?
by Newbie (254 points)