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This bastard wrote to me and offered to buy counterfeit money.
Damn, he spoke convincingly.
I screwed up. For some reason I believed him.

Don't trust him!
Money_Master scammer!
in Markets & commercial by Upcomer (539 points)

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3 Answers

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most of website here are scammers. you should be take care for your money next time, because I know you will try again soooon
by Newbie (295 points)
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People also write to me in private messages. They say they offer to buy different services. I think you can’t trust anyone without a website. The site also does not guarantee anything, you need to be careful. Fraudsters also have websites. But absolutely any dishonest person, even a *****ager, can simply offer services here or on telegram. I think this should be the biggest red flag. You cannot trust those who offer their services completely anonymously.
by Upcomer (570 points)
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by Expert (23.7k points)