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Alright so i saved up every penny i got my hands on for the past month and then yesterday (27/04/24) i purchased my first card from TorBuy

Before buying the card their communication was good compared to scam stores ive communicated with before but this is only because torbuy is the only one to actually reply to emails even though they take upwards of 8 hours to reply

Anyways i sent btc yesterday and i didnt receive any other message from them so far...

At first this didnt raise any alarms because ive been doing my research on them for a little while now and many people complained about not getting replies for a while

What did worry me though is that i emailed them from a different email pretending like i wanted to buy my first card and they replied to me without replying to my main email where theres a pending business convo in progress

So now im basically scared that i got scammed but im even more confused than scared because of all the good reviews torbuy got from multiple review sites

Can anyone share a recent experience with TorBuy?... Am i cooked?
in Markets & commercial by Guest (145 points)

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1 Answer

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i nerve buy any thing from darkweb
by Expert (23.0k points)