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Hello i have  been looking for some time to buy vanilla visa giftcards i stumbled upon this forum and saw some markets Being recommended like the Onion multishop and some others like Amazon warriors but i dont need Amazon GC right now and i dont know wether they are Also trustable.I saw that Onionmultishop  have good reviews but i was just wondering are those fake reviews Being pumped up so People get scammed or are they legit that i can buy a vanilla visa gc there since IT looks to easy to ne True?? Sry for the long question i hope you understand and i Will be looking forward to youre answers!!!!
in Markets & commercial by Guest (145 points)

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2 Answers

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too many scammers around here
by Expert (24.0k points)
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Yo man I'm the owner of a darkweb dictionary and I actually have some offical trusted markets indexed you can go check them out they sell gift cards.

by Upcomer (764 points) 1 flag
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it is you again?
As far as I remember, spam is prohibited here. I don't understand why the administrator hasn't blocked you y