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Recognizing Objective morality is the first step towards enlightenment, so for getting that far already I wanted to say congradulations.

What is 'right' or 'good' or 'moral' has to be true at every level. It must be good for you, and your spouse, and your family, and your community, and your nation, and all nations. There is no such thing as 'ends justify the means' and there is no such thing as subjective morality. If you accept those premise, then you are already past 80% of the world's population on your path to finding this base.

In terms of what this moral base is, there's tens of thousands of years of literature on this... but all you have to do is look up (in a metaphysical sense). What is a 'good' about yourself? Foster it. Then what is good that is greater than yourself? Seek it. Then if you find something greater still, seek that instead. And again, and again. If you can imagine a theoretical 'good' that is so universal, so true, so epic in its scale that it encapsulates all morality, then you've found it. Ancient traditions called that God.

The beauty of this process though is you don't have to believe in God for this to work (though it often leads there). Great places to start could include John Lock's Social Contract, Heinlien's Stranger in a Strange Land, of the Eye of Shiva (tried to give a nice spread there because idk your culture).
by Guest (109 points)
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explain us more about objective morality
by Expert (23.0k points)
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How would you define "objective morality"? Do you mean what lines not to cross, or do you actually think that there is something as an objective morality? Just askin!
by Newbie (413 points)
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I'd define objective morality as something that is unchanging and etched into the laws of nature as it is with our ethics. For example, if you kick a ball it will move opposite to the direction you kicked it, there will never be a scenario where you kicked the ball and the ball didn't move, this is what I mean by objective, something that is unchanging.

Before we understand what objective morality is we have to understand what subjective morality is first. Subjective morality is morality that relies on interpretation: When it is said "You shall not kill" the meaning of it relies on your understanding, so you will be able to modify and twist it to your needs like "You shall not kill unless it is justified".

What objective morality is, is morality that does not rely on interpretation: When it is said "You shall not kill" it is objectively true and your interpretation must remain the same as the author decided. Objective morality is static and will not change, what is wrong will be wrong and what is right will be right so on and so fourth.

I personally don't believe in objective morality and think that morality along with culture in general changes and evolves depending on the circumstances and it is impossible to replicate the same interpretation to every human.

Although I am interested in learning about what other people think regarding this topic.