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I'm the webmaster of Dark Navigator,

Its a tor dictionary with verified markets and vendors,

Email providers,

Search engines,

Free to use tools,



Chans and fourms,

And a lot more, I add new .torify.nets and I make sure they're safe everyday

Check it out here:

in Other by Upcomer (764 points)

1 Answer

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hey, are you doing this yourself? What is your interest? Why are you advertising scammers?
by Experienced (7.8k points)
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I'm not advertising anyone bro, Matter of fact I'm made this to have a list of actually trusted vendors, that's all.

I was not paid by anyone and I'm not affiliated by anyone, I'm just a guy who knows web development.
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ok, let's say I believed you and you're just a developer. But tell me why this site contains links to fraudulent stores? And why do you say that all links are verified? How do you check this?