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related to an answer for: Verify My Tor List
in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (321 points)

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2 Answers

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Hello fellow darkweber,

So it seems like you've got your directions mixed up here, so I'm going to expain it to you in a simpler way.

So real markets or verified markets wouldn't allow you to access their onion with JavaScript turned on because that can get you (The buyer) caught by the authorities, and can also help the authorities to catch the market owner (The seller).

So typically if you see urls similar to these:



They are most definitely if not a 100% scam

Any link to a market that has extra words after ".torify.net/"

Its mostly a scam.

How does safe links look?

Safe onion market links should look similar to this


(Of course it will be longer but this just an example)

So the best thing is to set your tor privacy settings to "Safer"

On that setting, tor browser disables all JavaScript and features from php and other potentially unsafe web languages to keep you as safe as you could possibly be

Another thing I'd highly suggest is to look at a tor list of verified markets and vendors.

Hope this helps!

On that

by Upcomer (764 points)
0 0
Safest it's ok 2?
1 like 0 dislike
Not necessarily, it can still be a scam
by Advanced (4.3k points)