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bro please reply  Jamato
in Other by Newbie (367 points)

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3 Answers

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Your proposal does not suit me.
If you are not a scammer who wants a freebie, then you are just a very stupid person.
1. You offer people to buy a PayPal account, but you have no idea where to do it.
2. Those who know where to buy a PayPal account know exactly how to withdraw alternative funds, why do they need you, dude?
3. If someone agrees to your stupid idea, most likely you will both be deceived. But it seems that you have nothing to lose, unlike a person who spends his money.

Don't think that people are so stupid.

And most importantly, I am not interested at all. I learned long ago how to withdraw money from hacked accounts myself without leaving any traces.
by Experienced (7.8k points)
0 3
1. as i mention in my idea that you or (who wants to invest) will buy a paypal transfer after than i will handle all process:)

2.bro there are some persons who have money to buy paypal transfers but scared to get there main account bans or get caught, bro everyone is not experienced like you

3. bro 2 persons already gived me there investments once and i also gived them profit

bro everyone is not experienced like you so i request to you , you have experience of many stores you can change many lifes by just telling 1 thing.

1. telling us a legit store or vendors  

no hates. your like my bro :)
2 0
With your words you confirm that I am absolutely right.

You are asking me about the store. At the same time, you say that you have already made a purchase from other people, and everything went well.

If that were the case, you wouldn't need information from me. Wipe off your drool and do something useful.
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bro as i already said that i dont get money directly in my  account bro i did not buy paypal transfers, the invester buys paypal transfers i handles all other process thats why i am asking a legit store from you. if you dont wana to tell a store name here you can tell me in pm :)
0 0
I don't quite understand what you're talking about. Where does the conversation start? What is this guy offering?
But based on what you said here, I agree. This is *****ing *****ing *****ed up and sausages from dicks
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bro are u talking about me ?
4 like 0 dislike
if you dont scammer why act as scammer? =D why you like buy ccv dumps ? =D
by Newbie (319 points)
1 like 0 dislike
what happened ??
by Expert (24.2k points)