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I want to cash out a credit card but I want to do it safely. So I want to know if the police can access every camera in the city to track you down and then finding out where you live based of where you were walking and what house you walked into? And if they can arrest you just of those things and your clothes? And also if you are cashing out at atm, does the transaction shows to the card holder where was it cashed out and what time, and if yes then can police use that information to know exactly who was it at that time of cashing out ?

It makes sense to me but I know Im overreacting.
in Markets & commercial by Guest (110 points)

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4 Answers

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With so much fear, you will never succeed. Those who can track it simply won't do it. They are not interested in you and these little things.
Nobody will look for you at all.

Many people come up with additional ways to protect themselves, go to another city, hide their face, etc. It is not necessary to do all this. For a long time I took it very simply.

Think yourself.
This is a huge advantage of a cloned card.
For the police to start looking for a criminal, there must be a crime. A cloned card is an absolute copy of the real card. The owner still has the real card. His money is missing and he goes to the bank. The bank tells him that you yourself withdrew money from the ATM. He says he didn't withdraw the money. He turns to the police and says: my money is missing, but the bank has information that I withdrew it myself. The police do not even consider such requests.

And in most cases, owners won’t even worry. For rich people these are very small amounts; they may not even notice that there is less money on one of the cards.
by Experienced (7.8k points)
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That the rich don't pay attention to money because they have too much of it is one of the biggest bullshit I have ever heard.

Everyone nowadays knows all their card movements by phone alert
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It’s immediately obvious that you have no idea about this, your reasoning is like that of a student living in a dormitory. When you have two to three dozen credit and debit cards, when your cards are used by family members, when dozens of transactions occur on your cards per day, you will have to spend all your free time reading SMS alerts. Most often, such notifications are simply disabled.
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*****, no no no! It's almost impossible! But the most important thing is that no one will do this! There is simply no reason to check!
by Newbie (253 points)
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Hey man, depends on what country you are in, I guess. IMHO if you are in China, this is not impossible. However, basic common sense may hint you that the cash in itself is untraceable, unless somebody gave you a specific batch with specific number of each banknote. I highly doubt this is the case for the average ATM, therefore, you are only left with the cameras. First and foremost, do you believe that somebody is sitting on their camera live feed and watching specifically for you? If that is the case, maybe the withdrawal is not your biggest problem. If not, maybe you should ask yourself can the ATM be connected with AI facial recognition? I am guessing this also depends on what country you are doing this in. I am also guessing that there are certain ways for deceiving AI facial recognition - search and you shall find. Anything besides the cameras has everything to do with being anonymous and untraceable in general - maybe parking with your personal car in front of the bank is not the best idea. Maybe carrying your everyday cell with you - also. I think that the best thing to do in these situations is to familiarize yourself with the police work and technology level in the specific country you are planning on doing this sort of stuff. Think like them and ask yourself - how can I catch "SennX" if - somehow - i have him/her on camera on the ATM?
by Guest (114 points)
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solid advice, nothing to add
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mmm.. I am not sure:
first of all, you have to specify that everyone now receives all card movements on their phone, so as soon as you withdraw money, the owner receives a text message. At that point he goes to the police.

let's say the owner of the card lives in X and you withdraw money from an ATM in Y, when he goes to the police it is easy to see that it was not him.
Then the investigation begins, which can use cameras to figure out who it was that withdrew that amount, that day, at that time, using that card.

End of story
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There is a theoretical risk. But in practice this does not happen. Before going to the police, a person carefully finds out what happened to the bank employees, if he pays attention to it at all.
Additional security is never a bad thing. If possible, you should use ATMs in different cities and cover your face. But you shouldn’t complicate everything and bring everything to the point of paranoia.
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no pain no gain
by Expert (23.7k points)