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I would like to try the Guttenberg print to buy some money but before, I would like to know who did buy and how/where did you spend them?

Also, if you have any pictures to share?

I asked them about their banknotes and have been told they have all the security features (watermarks,stripe,pass the uv and pen tests). I would like to be sure they do before I do buy...

Thank you all,
in Markets & commercial by Newbie (330 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
Dude, I shopped there. The quality of the banknotes is really very good. It is impossible to determine visually. But they don't pass the hardware test. Therefore, you should not use ATMs and make large purchases when sellers especially carefully check the money paid to them.

In supermarkets, restaurants, gas stations and many other places you can easily spend this money. Nobody will suspect anything.

I just take large bills, buy screws or nails at a hardware store and get ready-made money in change.
by Upcomer (539 points)
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You're asking for a photo, that's a strange request. Hardly anyone takes pictures of this. Taking photos on any phone is extremely unsafe. Secondly, no one will do this especially for you, no one cares. There are many more people here who could help show you a lot of interesting things, but they don’t do it because they don’t see the point in it and they’re lazy. I'm lazy too. I won't take a photo for you. I come here often, but I don’t always have the desire to write something.

The first thought I had when thinking about a photo was that I could attach any suitable picture from the Internet or even generate the desired image using artificial intelligence, and it would look very convincing. But you will never know whether this photo is real or fake. So what's the point then?
By the way, scammers would most likely do just that. Fraudsters are very interested in convincing you, but I'm not, I don't care.
Good luck dude.
by Upcomer (539 points)