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23 year old looking for someone to cut open my chest and remove my organs to sell on the black market, I want someone to cut open my chest while I'm a wake and remove each one of my organs starting with the non vital first then once you've removed them, take out my lungs and watch me die then remove my heart, along with my arms legs and whatever else you'd like

53.42162099625664, -1.5165234935070522

Email [email protected] or

KIK: Cooper6654
in Markets & commercial by Upcomer (619 points)

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2 Answers

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uhh creppy
by Expert (24.0k points)
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why don't you go to war? There you will get everything you want
by Upcomer (539 points)
1 1
because unlike losers like you I don't fight for *****s