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I read on this forum and many complained that Astarikon takes a very long time to respond and provide cards after paying for the order.
I will share with you one trick that helps me get delivery very quickly.

When placing the order, I invited the seller to prioritize my order and asked for it to be delivered as quickly as possible, offering another $150.

That's the whole secret. Three days later I already had the cards.
I think that I am not the only one so smart and many do the same.

Of course, the seller simply postpones all orders without additional fees. So don't be surprised if someone is waiting in two or three weeks.
in Markets & commercial by Guest (124 points)

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2 Answers

2 like 0 dislike
I ordered from them and have not responded yet. Do you think it's worth offering an additional payment?
by Guest (141 points)
1 like 1 dislike
yeah waiting time is long sometime
by Expert (23.7k points)