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Hello, I would like to ask your opinion.

Do you think I am a psychopath for wanting to "buy" a slave and "save her" from his life? I would like to find a slave who has suffered, someone who is terrified, someone who does not confess anyone and "save her" from that life, save her from all that pain, perhaps I am a psychopath for wanting that, I don't think so, but I don't think That is good.

PS: If you have any page that can help me to buy one I would be grateful, thank you
in Other by Newbie (258 points)

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4 Answers

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I would want something like this too, so either no one or both of us are psychopaths, I can't tell you, I have never been tested for it. I guess it depends on why you want this.
by Upcomer (680 points)
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i think this is called "mail order bride"
by Guest (133 points)
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by Expert (23.9k points)
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do what passport bros do but target conflict regions, plenty of trauma there
by Master (33.3k points)