3 like 1 dislike
Today I came across this website. It's vendor oriented and It seems pretty legit from what i saw and researched about it. It has a good customer base and escrow but I still don't see it mentioned on the sites that I usually check for scams tho. I'm still interested if anyone actually bought from some of the vendors on it, and if they did how did it go?


Thanks in advance !
in Markets & commercial by Guest (100 points)

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3 Answers

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If it is reliable I want you to tell me
by Guest (105 points)
0 0
I will check for it more, If it comes out as legit I will update you here
1 like 0 dislike
This is a scammer. I checked it myself
by Active (2.1k points)
0 0
Thanks again, saved me 2 times in 1 day haha :D
1 like 0 dislike
Hey, this is a scam! Stay away!
by Newbie (308 points)