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I want to know if anyone has bought from this site because I do not want my money to be defrauded. I ask everyone who has bought from this site to comment on whether this site can send orders to all places in the world or not.

in Markets & commercial by Guest (105 points)

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5 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
Hi, I shopped here and do so regularly. But I can't say whether he ships orders worldwide. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to answer this question for you except the seller himself. Ask the seller if delivery to your country will be possible.
by Newbie (308 points)
3 like 0 dislike
I see a lot of reviews. I'm thinking of trying this.
Tell me, have you already bought here?
by Upcomer (642 points)
0 0
No, I did not buy yet, but I am thinking about buying from Starikon. I saw many good reviews on him and did not see one negative review
2 like 0 dislike
I know exactly what delivers to Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus...
I talked to people from these countries who ordered cards.
But I can’t say that they can deliver anywhere in the world, although this may be true, I just don’t know. If I were you, I would simply check with the seller about the specific country. what are you interested in. This will be more accurate information. It is useless to study such questions on the forum.
by Newbie (323 points)
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Hello! Hmmm. Curious. Has anyone bought a PayPal account here?
by Upcomer (558 points)
2 like 0 dislike
I just ordered a PayPal account here. Now I'm waiting for them to give me confirmation and send me my account. I also thought about cards, but in the end I chose PayPal. I don’t know about delivery worldwide, but they deliver to Argentina, that’s what I was told.
by Upcomer (558 points)
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Everything is great guys, I received my order!
Now I'm looking for a way to withdraw money
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I really sorry, my friend, on the inconvenience. Can you send me $ 120 to my bitcoin portfolio because I want to buy, but I do not have any money, since you received money if you allow and sorry if I annoy you
Bitcoin wallet:

0 0
As I promised, I report the results. There was a moment that caused concern, but in the end everything worked out.

So, after paying for the order, they sent me the PayPal wallet details and instructions for using it. Nothing unusual. I created a cryptocurrency wallet called Exodus. Then it's time to withdraw money there. It turned out that there are very few exchangers that exchange dollars from PayPal to Monero.
All exchangers are located in Georgia, Estonia and Ukraine. I have mistrust in all these countries and I have heard a lot about high crime and corruption. I had my doubts, but I couldn’t find anything else, so I decided to try it. After paying to the specified account, the support service stopped responding to me, and my cryptocurrency wallet was still empty.
At this point I started to get nervous. Today the payment arrived almost a day later. This made me happy. Now I know exactly how to proceed.
Good luck to everyone, friends!